What Fashion Really Is All About
What comes into your mind if you hear the word fashion? There is this company that conducted a study on what fashion means to people so they conducted a survey and most of their subjects say famous brands when they are asked what fashion is for them. Their answers are not really wrong because it is what they thought of but such study only proves that most people these days have the wrong perception on fashion.
Because many people think that fashion is all about those huge brand names and famous fashion designers, this thought has given them the wrong perception that fashion is something that you can buy. But this is not always true because even if you can buy high fashion, the sense of fashion is something that does not come with a price. Click here if you want to know what is the real definition of fashion.
You can call yourself fashionable if you buy whatever it is that the mannequin in the store is wearing for a price but if you truly have a sense of fashion, you won’t have to buy expensive clothes just to look fashionable. Style is something that comes from the mind and not from your pocket because you can never be truly fashionable if you don’t appreciate the art in your clothes. Read more here about fashion being a form of art.
Because of the big influence TV and magazines provide to people, many tend to think that fashion is only achieved in buying those expensive clothes and shoes made by famous fashion designers. Yet little do these people know that even if you buy expensive clothes from famous designers, there is no guarantee that these apparel will automatically make you fashionable because you can still wear expensive shoes and look bad if you don’t pair it with the right dress. To read more about fashion rules and common mistakes most people do, click here to check it out!
You can never really say that fashion is something that you can just buy to look good because the truth is, no matter how expensive your clothes are, you can still look bad without the art of style. However, it does not also mean that if you have no sense of fashion, you can never look fashionable because you can also hire your own stylist to help you in matching your outfits and accessories.
Although you can say that fashion is knowing what combination of clothes look perfect as an entire outfit, it is also wearing your outfit confidence and grace. The most important thing that you need to consider to look as fashionable as possible is to make sure that you carry your outfit with the right poise and confidence.